Air Cooled Chillers

Air-cooled chillers are refrigeration systems that use air to dissipate heat from the coolant or refrigerant. Unlike water-cooled chiller, which rely on a water source and cooling towers.

Air Cooled Chiller

Water Cooled Chillers

Water Cooled Chillers are refrigeration systems that use water as a cooling medium to transfer heat away from the refrigerant. They are widely used in large-scale industrial and commercial.

Water Cooled Chillers

Variable Speed Chillers

Variable Speed Chillers are refrigeration systems equipped with compressors that have variable frequency drives (VFDs). These drives enable the compressor motor to adjust its speed according to the cooling load demand.

Variable Speed Chillers

Recirculating Chillers

Recirculating Chillers are compact refrigeration systems designed to provide consistent and controlled cooling for various applications. They work by circulating a coolant, typically water or a water-based fluid, through a closed-loop system.

Recirculating Chillers

Screw Chillers

Screw Chillers are a type of refrigeration system used for air conditioning or industrial cooling applications. They operate using screw compressors, which are efficient at handling large cooling loads.

Screw Chillers

Oil Chiller

Oil Chiller are refrigeration systems designed to control and maintain the temperature of lubricating oil used in industrial machinery and processes. They ensure that the oil remains within a specified temperature range critical.

Oil Chiller

Hydraulic Oil Chillers

Hydraulic Oil Chillers are specialized refrigeration systems designed to cool and maintain the temperature of hydraulic oil used in hydraulic systems. They ensure that the oil remains within a specified temperature range critical.

Hydraulic Oil Chillers

Panel Coolers

Panel Coolers also known as enclosure coolers or cabinet coolers, are devices used to regulate the temperature inside electrical control panels or enclosures. They help prevent overheating of sensitive electronic.

Panel Cooler

Online Chiller

An online chiller is a refrigeration system designed to provide continuous cooling for industrial or commercial applications. It is equipped with capabilities for remote monitoring and control through internet connectivity.

Online Chiller

Modular Chiller

Modular Chiller refers to a cooling system composed of multiple smaller, independent chiller units that can be combined or operated individually to meet varying cooling demands. These units are designed to work together.

Modular Chiller

Spindle Chiller

Spindle Chillers are specialized cooling systems designed to manage the temperature of the spindle in machinery, such as CNC (Computer Numerical Control) machines. The spindle is a critical component that rotates at high speeds and can generate significant heat.

Spindle Chiller

Glycol Chiller

Glycol  Chiller is a type of cooling system that uses a glycol-water mixture as the coolant to remove heat from a process or equipment. Glycol chillers are commonly used in applications where maintaining a consistent and low temperature is crucial, such as in breweries, wineries, food processing,

Glycol Chiller

Refrigerated Air Dryer

Refrigerated Air Dryer is a type of device used in compressed air systems to reduce the moisture content of the air. It operates by cooling the compressed air to a temperature where water vapor condenses into liquid water.

Refrigerated Air Dryer