Hydraulic Oil Chillers are specialized refrigeration systems designed to cool and maintain the temperature of hydraulic oil used in hydraulic systems. They ensure that the oil remains within a specified temperature range critical for maintaining viscosity, lubrication effectiveness, and overall hydraulic system performance. These chillers typically include components such as compressors, condensers, evaporators, and control systems, tailored specifically for the cooling requirements of hydraulic oils in industrial machinery and equipment.

Hydraulic Oil Chillers


  • Energy-Efficient Designs: Integration of variable speed compressors and advanced control algorithms to optimize energy consumption based on real-time cooling demands.
  • Compact and Modular Designs: Development of compact and modular chiller units that offer flexibility in installation and scalability.
  • Smart Monitoring and Control: Implementation of IoT  technologies and remote monitoring systems to enable real-time monitoring of chiller performance, predictive maintenance, and optimization of energy usage.
  • Environmentally Friendly Refrigerants: Adoption of environmentally friendly refrigerants with lower global warming potential (GWP) and reduced environmental impact compared to traditional refrigerants.
  • Integrated Heat Recovery: Some advanced hydraulic oil chillers incorporate heat recovery systems to capture and reuse waste heat generated during the cooling process.


  • Energy Efficiency: Lower operating costs due to energy-efficient designs and variable speed compressors.
  • Enhanced Cooling: Optimal heat transfer ensures effective cooling and consistent oil viscosity.
  • Compact and Modular: Flexible installation and scalability options for diverse industrial needs.
  • Smart Monitoring: Real-time monitoring and predictive maintenance reduce downtime.
  • Environmental Friendliness: Use of eco-friendly refrigerants and heat recovery systems.
  • Noise Reduction: Quieter operation with noise reduction technologies.
  • Reliability: Robust construction and quality components ensure long-term performance.

"Comparison of Hydraulic Oil Chillers"

Draught/Type Flow Type MOC Capacity (TR)
Induced/Rectangular Counter Flow Stainless Steel 20 – 300
Forced/Oval Cross Flow Copper Alloy 30 – 400
Induced/Square Parallel Flow Titanium 50 – 600
Forced/Round Counter Flow Carbon Steel 40 – 500
Induced/Circular Cross Flow Aluminum 25 – 350