Closed Circuit Cooling Tower

Closed Circuit Cooling Tower is a type of heat exchanger that combines the functions of a cooling tower and a heat exchanger in a single unit. In this system, process fluid flows through a coil or heat exchanger inside the tower and is cooled by air and water that circulate around the outside of the coil. This design ensures that the process fluid remains in a closed loop, preventing it from being exposed to outside contaminants.

Closed Circuit Cooling Tower


  • Heat Transfer: Process fluid, such as water or a specialized coolant, flows through heat exchanger coils inside the tower.
  • Water Circulation: Water is sprayed over the coils or flows around them, absorbing heat from the process fluid through evaporative cooling.
  • Air Flow: Induced or forced draft fans draw air through the tower. The air absorbs heat from the water, which is then discharged into the atmosphere.
  • Evaporation: As water evaporates from the heat exchanger coils, it removes heat from the process fluid, cooling it down.
  • Closed Loop System: Process fluid remains within a sealed loop, preventing contamination and maintaining purity.
  • Water Treatment: Treat circulating water to prevent scaling, fouling, and biological growth, ensuring optimal performance and longevity.
  • Efficiency: Designed for efficient heat transfer, reducing energy consumption and operational costs compared to open cooling systems.


  • Induced Draft Cooling Tower
  • Forced Draft Cooling Tower
  • Crossflow Cooling Tower
  • Counterflow Cooling Tower
  • Hybrid Cooling Tower
  • Dry Cooling Tower
  • Wet-Dry Cooling Tower
  • Modular Cooling Tower
  • Packaged Cooling Tower
  • Custom-Built Cooling Tower


  • Contamination Prevention:
    • Closed circuit cooling towers keep the process fluid isolated from external contaminants, ensuring purity and minimizing the risk of corrosion, scaling, and biological growth.
  • Reduced Maintenance:
    • By preventing contamination and minimizing scaling and fouling, closed circuit cooling towers require less maintenance compared to open systems. This leads to lower downtime and operational costs.
  • Water Conservation:
    • These towers recirculate water within a closed loop, significantly reducing water consumption compared to open cooling systems, which continuously lose water through evaporation and blowdown.
  • Energy Efficiency:
    • Closed circuit cooling towers typically operate more efficiently than open systems due to better control over heat transfer processes. This efficiency translates into lower energy consumption and reduced operating costs.
  • Environmental Benefits:
    • Lower water usage and reduced chemical treatments contribute to a smaller environmental footprint. Closed circuit systems also minimize the risk of chemical discharge into the environment.
  • Longevity of Equipment:
    • The design of closed circuit cooling towers, including the use of corrosion-resistant materials and efficient heat exchange mechanisms, promotes the longevity and reliability of equipment.